Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Illustration Friday- Safari

Yet another book cover painted for the Every Child An Author project that fit the theme of the week perfectly. Out of all the animals in the painting, the giraffe is my favorite; he has such an earnest yet goofy expression!


  1. This is a very fun illustration, and perfect for the "Safari" topic. I agree with you about the giraffe...definitely earnest and goofy :) Giraffes are pretty strange looking creatures to begin with, don't you think?
    This is really well done!

  2. this is some group, they definitely look like they are ready for an adventure with that cute little boy! how adorable!

  3. Looks like a great Safari to be on! : ) Great work!

  4. I like the giraffe best too. But they're all adorable! Great colors.
